In March of 2020 the Cooper Foundation adapted its grantmaking in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, to focus on the critical needs of nonprofit organizations and those they serve. A new Rapid Response Application was developed, and grants were awarded monthly for unrestricted general operating support for nonprofits in Lincoln and throughout Nebraska. Between March and September 2020, the Foundation awarded 63 grants totaling $477,934.
To help our nonprofit partners meet their most urgent needs, and to reduce the administrative work related to our grants, the application form and process were streamlined. We changed our form to focus on two main questions, asking how the pandemic had affected organizations in their operations and programs, as well as the financial impact due to increased costs, lost revenue, and changes in programs and services. Cooper Foundation staff took on parts of the process that would typically be performed by our applicants and grantees by replacing our LOI form and grant report forms with in-person video meetings and phone calls and recording those notes in our grant records.
This new way of working was as beneficial to the Cooper Foundation as it was to our grantees. We were able to learn more about the evolving situation in our community, deepen our relationships with nonprofit leaders and staff, and help create more meaningful connections. We are grateful for the extraordinary work of the nonprofit community in our state, and humbled by their dedication, flexibility, and creativity in responding to this unprecedented challenge.
ACLU of Nebraska
Big Brothers Big Sisters Lincoln
Boys and Girls Club Lincoln / Lancaster County
Bridges to Hope
Bright Lights
CEDARS Youth Services
Center for Legal Immigration Assistance
Child Advocacy Center
Civic Nebraska
Clyde Malone Community Center
Community Services Fund of Nebraska
Durham Museum, Omaha
El Centro de las Americas
Flatwater Shakespeare Company
Food Bank of Lincoln
Foundation for Lincoln Public Schools
Fresh Start, Inc.
Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska
Jewish Federation of Omaha – Institute for Holocaust Education, Omaha
Junior Achievement of Lincoln, Inc.
Legal Aid of Nebraska, Omaha
Lincoln Arts Council
Lincoln Children’s Museum
Lincoln Children’s Zoo
Lincoln Community Foundation
Lincoln Community Playhouse
Lincoln Medical Education Partnership
Lincoln Music Teachers Association
Lincoln/Lancaster CountyHabitat for Humanity
Matt Talbot Kitchen & Outreach
Meadowlark Music Festival
Mid-America Arts Alliance, Kansas City, MO
Mourning Hope Grief Center
Multicultural Coalition, Grand Island
National Audubon Society, Denton
Nebraska Appleseed Center for Law in the Public Interest
Nebraska Children and Families Foundation
Nebraska Civic Engagement Table
Nebraska Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence
Nebraska Land Trust, Inc.
Nebraska Statewide Arboretum, Inc.
Nebraska Writers Collective, Omaha
Nebraskans for the Arts, Omaha
Northeast Family Center
Prairie Loft Center for Outdoor and Agricultural Learning, Hastings
Rabble Mill
South of Downtown Community Development Organization
Southeast Community College Educational Foundation
St. Monica’s
TADA Productions,Inc.
The HUB Central Access Point for Young Adults
United Way of Lincoln/Lancaster County
University of Nebraska State Museum
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, International Quilt Museum
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lied Center for Performing Arts
Vision Maker Media
Voices of Hope
Willa Cather Foundation, Red Cloud
Willard Community Center
YWCA Lincoln
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